What were we thinking! promote confidence and reduce distress in parents with a first baby

About WWWT

WWWT is an innovative program for mothers and fathers and their first babies. Many parents will have attended childbirth education classes during pregnancy to help prepare for the birth. However, parents also have much to learn after the baby arrives. It can be difficult to imagine in advance how life will change with the arrival of a new baby, so WWWT aims to provide relevant information at the time parents need it most - when their baby is in their arms.

WWWT fills two gaps in current parenting education. First, WWWT shows strategies to manage baby crying and settling difficulties and to promote sustainable sleeping habits from an early age. Second, it provides new language and ideas to help parents adjust to the changes in their relationship with each other after the birth of their first baby.

The content of the program is derived from research evidence, clinical experience and wide consultation with new parents, maternal child and family health nurses, clinical and health psychologists, general practitioners, paediatricians, lactation consultants and parenting educators.

The What Were We Thinking website was developed with funding from the Jack Brockhoff Foundation and provides the WWWT theory and materials to parents and professionals in a convenient and accessible format.

Interactive Media AwardIn 2009 the WWWT website won an Interactive Media Award (IMA) for "Best In Class" in the category of "family".

We look forward to hearing your thoughts about WWWT.


The WWWT Program has been funded by