Parent stories and expert advice / Dads

And just like that‚ you're a dad
No one can prepare you for becoming a father. I fell completely in love with Victoria as soon as she was born but to say that I felt overwhelmed would be a major understatement...

Being a hands-on dad is so much fun!
Australian actor Nick Russell has played numerous characters throughout his career but fatherhood, it seems, is the most fun role he's taken on yet!

Dads, it's okay to ask for help
For new fathers struggling with the transition to parenthood, Dan Hunt believes it takes a stronger dad to ask for help than to sit there and suffer in silence.

How will technology affect my new baby?
One of the things that stands out to Alberto most, as he settles into his new role as a father, is how different the world is now to when he was a boy.

I had mixed feelings about my newborn
Being a parent is a truly wonderful experiece. However, as this dad discovers, that doesn't mean it's "awesome" every minute of every day ...
It's essential to share the load
As Alberto has discovered, it's essential to share the load of both paid and unpaid work when you have a baby.

Newborn challenges
John loves his baby son 100% but hasn't, on the other hand, always enjoyed their time together. He questions whether other newborn parents have felt the same ...

The bond between fathers and their babies
In this video series, Dr Karen Wynter talks to a dad about his own experiences and how he and his partner faced the challenges of being new parents together.
The first month of fatherhood, a baptism of fire
While Sandro describes the first month of fatherhood as being "a baptism of fire", he wouldn't change becoming a dad for anything in the world ...

What you give up when gaining a baby
Being a first time parent inevitably requires a degree of personal sacrifice. But as John questions, do we fit parenthood in with our former lives or do we fit our lives around being a new parent?