Parent stories and expert advice / Baby 9-12 weeks

Being a mum & still being me
You say hello to a new future when you become a mum, but as Poppy learns, that doesn't mean saying goodbye entirely to the 'you' of the past ...
Breast feeding: it's not my favourite sport
We have clocked up three months of the intense sport of breast feeding and, in retrospect, we have fared quite well. Last time, by three months I was beginning to wean: I’d had five rounds of mastitis (with two more to come,) nipple thrush and a life spent eating, feeding and sleeping to keep the energy up to feed the twins had taken its toll...

Convenience or addiction?
I really need a sign that says "Do not leave me alone on my phone/internet, especially when I'm sleep deprived" ... Online shopping is addictive.

Feeding time at the zoo
I hate to admit it, but I think breastfeeding is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I don’t mean to show off, but I have a number of wonderful talents. But breastfeeding is hard. After attending the breast feeding information session at the hospital, I was convinced that I would 'nail it', I haven’t...

Five lessons I learnt in my first year as a mother
In this personal piece, Kate shares her experiences of the challenges being a first-time mum brought and how reaching out for support with friends makes the journey easier.

Flying with baby
A clinical psychologist and first-time mum shares her experiences and offers tips for air travel with a baby.

I am so tired
After much crying from both Sam and myself there is finally an improvement in his sleep now he is 11 weeks old. From birth Sam would only go to sleep when I fed or cuddled him and when I put him in his cot asleep he woke after 20 minutes.

I can't get sick
I’ve had a sore throat and fever for the past couple of days, Ari is also unwell as he has been unsettled and waking every two hours over night wanting to be cuddled all the time.

Introducing Baby Iris
My little girl, Iris, is 9 weeks today and I am a very proud and happy mum. It still sounds a little strange to me, to call myself 'mum', and I can't help but think that part of that has to do with how confident I feel in the role...
"I Wish He Could Tell Me What Was Wrong!"?
From my experience babies DO communicate a great deal. My days are dominated by following William’s cues balanced with what I think he needs to be healthy and happy and the rest of the families lives.