What were we thinking! promote confidence and reduce distress in parents with a first baby

My wonderful supports

By Amy

My wonderful supports

Bless my support system, Rob my husband, both families including extended, friends that I met while working out in Mornington, as well as friends who have children and friends who don't. I want to especially thank my sister Lisa who had her first child 20 weeks before Abigail arrived. Lisa has been a life saver. Lisa is always available to chat or if she's busy she'll get back to me with an answer. She is my rock, my go to girl- I'm known to say she's my very own baby encyclopaedia and I love her confidence and knowledge. It has been crucial for me to be able to talk about my experiences as well as the unknowns... rashes, projectile poos, sleep routine, even reviews on products etc. and as my husband works long hours (he won't mind me saying this) and a man of few words I need other support. So if he doesn't respond or give me the time, I will always go to my support network. My Mum always asks if she can do the washing, wash the dishes or vacuum when she pops over, whereas, I would much prefer the company asking her to sit with me and chat.


Before Abigail came into the world I was given a book (you guessed it, it was from my sister Lisa). This book is a wonderful guide to the feed-play-sleep routine, which I am still following. My sister's baby slept through the night by 7 weeks... Now I'm not holding my breath but any assistance is appreciated to help settle a baby (especially into a routine).



WWWT Team - Each baby is different, and it's normal for babies to wake at least once per night up to 6 months. It's great that Amy is following the Feed-Play-Sleep routine.

Posted in:  Baby 5-8 weeks