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What being a first time mum has taught me

By Melissa

What being a first time mum has taught me

As we put a close to 2015, I’m sitting here in silence on a balmy summer evening reflecting on the year that was – and anticipating with excitement – the new year that will be. So many firsts to still witness with my family and so many blessings to be thankful for.

First and foremost, I'm thankful for my beautiful daughter. I know for so many it doesn't come so easy, and even though this year was challenging for me personally, I wouldn't want it any other way. My daughter, this little human being that I grew, who is constantly evolving and growing into her own person has taught me more about myself than any other human on this planet. She has made me a better person.

Lily has taught me patience, which I never knew in my previous life, and she has taught me gratitude, I'm definitely thankful for sleep and wouldn’t dare take it for granted ever again!  Most of all, my baby has taught me to be present. Not to rush through days just to get through them but to appreciate each milestone and each moment with her. It's just too precious not to. 

A friend said to me a few months ago, "There are so many lasts as your baby grows. Cherish each of them.”

As Lily heads towards her next milestone, turning one, I couldn't agree more. She changes every day and it's only going to speed up as the years go by. My prayer is always the same for my baby girl – may she be happy, healthy and safe. Nothing else really matters.

Posted in:  A new reality  Growth and development  Mums