Parent stories and expert advice / Juliet
Blogposts by Juliet

Evelyn's first few weeks
After the crazy last night in hospital Evelyn did really well once we got her home. She seemed to be quite content to have left the hospital and be in this strange, cold house. Luckily the first night at home she went back to sleeping how she had been the first few nights...

Evelyn's first swim!
I took Evelyn to the pool for the first time this week. She loved it. It is a swimming pool that is for kids lessons and they do a baby play session for 3month + bubs...

Juliet, Johnny & Evelyn - Week 11
My parents went home last week so it was back to just Johnny, Evelyn and me. Again it was sad to see them go but nice to get back to just us again...

Rugby Allegiances
Evelyn experienced her first trans tasman rugby game – the first Bledisloe Cup test between New Zealand and Australia...

Week 1 - Welcome Evelyn Bartels!
Evelyn arrived six days overdue on Tuesday 6th May 2014 at 11.58pm after almost 24 hours of labour and an emergency caesarean. She was a healthy 4.365kgs and as the obstetrician said when she pulled her out there wasn’t much chance of her coming out naturally given her size and her position (OP)...