Parent stories and expert advice

The internet helps new parents feel less alone
While Janet Michelmore AO may appear confident, when she had her first child she certainly wasn't! Learn about the new blog and app that can help others, like her, who often feel unsure and alone as they commence their parenting journey.

Honouring what happened when your baby was born
Each of us needs to honour what happened when our baby was born. But what happens when it's difficult to put your experience into words because they were uncommon or you simply don't understand them?

Why blogging is great for new dads (and mums!)
If you’d asked Reservoir Dad what 'social media' was prior to his first son being born he would have hummed and harred. However now a convert of sharing your experiences online, he encourages other new parents to do the same.

"Feeling like I need to get some of me back..."
I had always planned to go back to work after the first year, however, I am starting to have strong thoughts/feelings about going back to work early and part-time. I think these thoughts started because I feel like I need to get some of me back, the pre-Abigail me.

Things I want to remember for number 2!
I have been meaning to write down the parenting pointers I’ve most valued since having William. The pointers have come from many sources and I want to remember them for next time! Here they are, in no particular order, for anyone else who’s interested...

A Whole New Level of Busy!
Throughout my pregnancy everyone told me that having a baby around keeps you busy, but I didn’t comprehend just how busy it would be until Isabelle arrived on the scene. I had a vision of downtime between feeds, time to exercise, to work from home and maybe even learn a language in my spare time… oh how naïve I was!

Mummy (and Daddy) Shaming
‘Mummy shaming’ is a social phenomenon where the actions and activities of mothers are judged harshly or criticized by others. Most commonly, this shaming comes in the form of comments or non-verbal disapproval from strangers about the way mothers interact with their children or how they spend their time...

When becoming a new parent is nothing like you'd expected ...
For new mum Bern Morley, Parenting Editor at Mamamia, becoming a new parent wasn't like anything she'd 'seen in the brochures'.
"I Wish He Could Tell Me What Was Wrong!"?
From my experience babies DO communicate a great deal. My days are dominated by following William’s cues balanced with what I think he needs to be healthy and happy and the rest of the families lives.

Making time to be on your own together
The relationship between partners is fundamentally important when you become a parent. However juggling a new baby and adjustments to your relationshop is often easier said than done ...

Sleep school and new skills
Following a week at 'sleep school', Kylie wonders what life (well, sleep!) will be like upon their return home ...

I Broke My Baby!
My baby is fine, but I broke my baby. If there was a reset button to restore Victoria's factory settings I would have hit it last week. I am a little nervous and apprehensive to explain what happened as I don't want to be judged, or deemed a bad mother. I decided to push on and publish to help another mum in a similar position feel ok about it, so here goes...