Parent stories and expert advice

Dealing With Doubt
Leaving the hospital with our beautiful baby was such an exciting moment for Tom and I. We packed our bags, thanked all the wonderful nurses and took photos of our new family all the way to the front door. The car pulled up and Tom opened the door to put our precious little Isabelle into the back seat and all of a sudden a feeling of doubt began to creep up on us both…
Life Has Changed When All of a Sudden Getting in the Car Alone is Like the Greatest Thing Ever!?!
I must have got up on the wrong side of the bed Friday morning...

And just like that‚ you're a dad
No one can prepare you for becoming a father. I fell completely in love with Victoria as soon as she was born but to say that I felt overwhelmed would be a major understatement...
A whole new world of judgement?!
Fortunately I have a kind, thoughtful, gentle and unprejudiced husband. We balance each other out!...

The Week That Was
When the stars align things run smoothly, seamlessly, everything falls into place. How would you define the opposite of that? I’d say it would be our week last week...

My Support Network
Gratitude is everything, and I am truly grateful to have such a wonderful support network around me. These people have helped me build confidence and even rebuild confidence within me.

Allowing grandparents to bond with your baby
For Amy, not only does she gain a break when her mother looks after her daughter, she also gets to witness a loving bond grow ...
Ditching The Dummy
I started using it at week 4. Why? Because it gave us another settling option. There had been a couple of situations when William was with Ed and wanting food and it helped to string him out quietly...

How do I become a confident parent?
Self-doubt, guilt and uncertainty accompany first time parenthood, but as Poppy learns, your confidence grows one day at a time ...

How can I soothe my unsettled baby?
If you - like many - have an unsettled baby, Professor Jane Fisher explains the importance of caregivers establishing predictable routines of daily care.

Teaching your baby to sleep, one day at a time
When you're baby refuses to sleep or settle, sometimes it's as simple as asking for help in order to restore your sanity.

Speaking Up for Yourself and Your Baby
A curious but common experience for parents with a young baby is that everyone has an opinion on how things should be done...